Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Driving Down the Coast and Back

Tomorrow after my mani-pedi and style, I venture off to the deep RedWoods. My artwork shows t a very cool, and very old house made from One Log, hence the name "ONE LOG HOUSE"
When I delivered a painting to Chad and Bonnie Perry before Christmas I stopped there on the way back to Oregon.
I can remember as a child when Dad drove down to his Bohemian Grove thing that when we came back up the coast we stopped there. Hard to forget the place.
 Now the younger generation has taken the helm and added a dispensary, a nice coffee shop, and a gallery!
This is the painting I made for Chad and Bonnie. I went to high school with Bonnie.
This is now a print available in 11x14 or larger upon request.
This is an original and will be at OneLog House Friday.

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